Why Shouldn't You Take Tea or Coffee on an Empty Stomach?

Turbo July 15, 2021 July 15, 2021
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Description: Drinking tea or coffee after waking directly or on an empty stomach may cause damage to your body, in the following report recognize why you should av
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Why Shouldn't You Take Tea or Coffee on an Empty Stomach?


Drinking tea or coffee after waking directly or on an empty stomach may cause damage to your body, in the following report recognize why you should avoid eating tea or coffee after waking from sleep and the best time to Cherbhma, according to the publication of the Times site - of - Aandia.

Why shouldn't you take tea or coffee on an empty stomach?

Tea and coffee are acidic in nature, and taking them on an empty stomach can upset the acid balance, which can lead to acidity or indigestion.

What is the best time to have tea or coffee?

The best time to drink tea is usually 1-2 hours after a meal. You can drink it in the morning as well, but not on an empty stomach. Also, avoid coffee right before bed.

What are the best drinks to have in the morning?

After waking up, you can drink a warm glass of lemon juice with a pinch of salt and black pepper. This is a great option for losing weight and will also boost your immunity.

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