Recent Studies: Poultry Eggs Are A Loyal Friend of A Kidney Patient

Turbo August 15, 2021 August 15, 2021
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Description: The Poultry Industry Development Association stressed the importance of the health benefits of poultry eggs, especially the eggs for patients who suff
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Recent Studies: Poultry Eggs Are A Loyal Friend of A Kidney Patient
Eggs - archive

The Poultry Industry Development Association stressed the importance of the health benefits of poultry eggs, especially the eggs for patients who suffer from chronic kidney problems, as doctors recommend the inevitability of following a diet for these patients determined according to their age and the severity and stage of the disease, with the aim of limiting some nutrients such as phosphorous and potassium, The necessity of eating foods containing proteins of high biological value makes eggs "kidney friendly", as well as being rich in the amino acid "leucine", which plays a key role in muscle protein synthesis.

Egg whites are the ideal choice for patients undergoing dialysis sessions, as they contain the lowest percentage of phosphorous compared to other foods. It is known that patients with kidney failure need higher protein needs, but they need to limit phosphorous. Each egg white is two large eggs (66 grams). It contains phosphorous at a rate of 10 mg, in addition to a sodium element with a value of 110 mg, while it contains potassium about 108 mg.

The results of a research study conducted on 13 patients with an average age of 62 years who were undergoing continuous dialysis sessions, showed a significant decrease in phosphorous after they consumed 227 g of egg whites daily for six weeks.

Taylor and Markwich reported that twelve patients (92%) had a significant decrease in mean blood phosphorous levels, from 55.4 mcg/mL at baseline to 46.3 mcg/mL during the study. Average phosphorous intake also decreased from 692 to 572 mg/day per patient.

The scientists also concluded that eating egg whites is an effective component of the renal diet to reduce phosphorus in the blood while maintaining the level of albumin.

The reasons for eating egg whites do not end there, so what about the nutritional benefits of a whole egg?

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