Study Warns: Excessive Consumption of Processed Meat increases The Risk of Dementia

Turbo August 11, 2021 August 11, 2021
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Description: A study issued by the University of Leeds, British, revealed that excessive consumption of processed meat contributes to an increased risk of dementia
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Study Warns: Excessive Consumption of Processed Meat increases The Risk of Dementia
Disadvantages of processed meat

A study issued by the University of Leeds, British, revealed that excessive consumption of processed meat contributes to an increased risk of dementia and cognitive decline, which is a syndrome associated with the continuous decline in brain function, which affects approximately one in 14 people over the age of 65, according to what was reported. on the Express website.

The study said that dispensing with processed meats such as burgers, pastrami, sausage and hot dogs, reduces the risk of developing this disease, which has not found a cure until now, as dementia results from damage to brain cells, which interferes with the ability of brain cells to communicate with each other, which Affects the ability to think, feel or act normally.

And many researchers noted that diet can play an important role in warding off signs of dementia, as the study relied on data from a number of participants ranging in age from 40 to 69 years. Once you have cognitive decline.

The study was conducted over an 8-year period, to observe the extent of the effects of dementia and cognitive decline on participants who ate excessively processed meat, and the results showed that eating only 25 grams of processed meat per day was associated with a 44% risk of developing dementia and an increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease by 52%. In contrast, eating 50 grams of unprocessed meat per day was associated with a 19% lower risk of all types of dementia and 30% lower risk of Alzheimer's disease .

The study indicated that the difference between processed and unprocessed meat lies in the concentration of preservatives, such as nitrites, which are known to increase oxidative stress and inflammation, and processed meat also contains high levels of sodium, which may lead to high blood pressure, which is a risk factor. Another for dementia .

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