Healthy Eating During Pregnancy 2021| Pregnancy diet | What Nutrients Are Required During Pregnancy To Maintain Your Health and The Health of The Fetus | Foods To Avoid When Pregnant Foods To Avoid When Breastfeeding

Turbo October 17, 2021 October 17, 2021
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Description: Healthy eating during pregnancy 2021| Pregnancy diet | What nutrients are required during pregnancy to maintain your health and the health of the fetu
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Healthy Eating During Pregnancy 2021| Pregnancy diet | What Nutrients Are Required During Pregnancy To Maintain Your Health and The Health of The Fetus | Foods To Avoid When Pregnant Foods To Avoid When Breastfeeding
Healthy eating during pregnancy

Healthy eating during pregnancy 2021| Pregnancy diet | What nutrients are required during pregnancy to maintain your health and the health of the fetus | Foods to avoid when pregnant Foods to avoid when breastfeeding

Healthy Eating During Pregnancy

1- Healthy eating during pregnancy involves getting enough nutrients for you and your baby as well as knowing how much you eat.

2- Eat foods from different groups such as grains, proteins, vegetables, fruits and dairy products. Some foods from these groups are good sources of nutrients like folic acid, iron, calcium and vitamin D, which are good for you and your baby.

3 - If you're pregnant, considering pregnancy or breastfeeding, eat 8 to 12 ounces each week of fish that's low in mercury.

4- Talk to your doctor about nutrients, eat a healthy amount of food and when you have any concerns about your diet.

5- You may have heard that your eating habits may change during pregnancy. That's good! You will find foods that you like and that are healthy for you and your baby. Eating nutritious foods will help you support pregnancy and the new changes in your body.

6- Healthy eating during pregnancy includes knowing how much to eat and what foods to eat. It also finds the balance between getting enough nutrients for your baby's growth and maintaining a healthy weight for you and your baby's health. Nutrients are the basic building blocks of the body such as proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Talk to your provider about how to get the nutrients you need in your diet.

What nutrients are required during pregnancy to maintain your health and the health of the fetus

During pregnancy, you can get a lot of nutrients from different sources or food groups such as grains, proteins, vegetables, fruits and dairy products. Other sources of nutrients are fats, vitamins, and minerals.

Proteins help your body in the growth of muscles and tissues and also in the development of your baby. Protein can be found in foods such as:

A - Beef, fish and poultry

b - eggs

H - Milk, cheese and other dairy products

D - beans and peas

E - Nuts and seeds

F- Soy products such as tofu

Carbohydrates are found in foods like grains and are your body's fuel to help you perform your activities. . There are different types of carbohydrates. Foods can contain a mixture of all three types of carbohydrates.

Simple carbohydrates are quickly broken down, causing your blood sugar to rise quickly. It is best to limit foods rich in simple carbohydrates such as:

- table sugar

Some breakfast cereal

- Sugary sweets

Complex carbohydrates provide long-lasting energy and can be found in:

- beans

Starchy vegetables such as potatoes and corn

Fiber is also a type of complex carbohydrate and can be found in plant foods. Fiber can aid in digestion. The following foods are good sources of fiber:

Vegetables such as cabbage, spinach, and turnip

Fruits such as berries, oranges, apples and peaches with the skin on

Legumes such as chickpeas, black beans and lentils

Certain amounts of fat are also important to your body. During pregnancy, the fats you eat are a source of energy and help revitalize your baby's organs and placenta. However, be careful not to eat a lot of saturated fats (such as butter, heavy cream, and meats that are high in fat) and trans fats (often found in margarine, microwave popcorn, biscuits, and pastries made with margarine) because these can cause problems for your health .

Other nutrients you need during pregnancy to keep you and your baby healthy include:

Folate or folic acid.

They can help prevent birth defects in your child's brain and spine, called neural tube defects. It can be found in enriched and fortified products (such as bread, rice, and cereals), green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits, beans, and peas. Enriched and fortified means adding nutrients to a food product.


 This strengthens the bones and teeth of your baby and also helps your body stay healthy during pregnancy. Dairy products, broccoli and kale are good sources of calcium. Fortified cereals or juices may also be a good source.

Vitamin D


Also useful for building your baby's bones and teeth. Good sources include fatty fish such as salmon, fortified milk or orange juice.


  This helps your body produce more blood to help make sure your baby gets enough oxygen. Good sources of iron are meat products and legumes. Your body can absorb iron more easily if you also get enough vitamin C. Vitamin C can be found in orange juice, citrus fruits and strawberries.



This is a type of fat called omega-3 fatty acids. This is important for your baby's brain and eye development.


 This is a mineral that helps in the development of your baby's brain and nerves.

pregnancy diet

Most pregnant women need about 300 extra calories per day during the last six months of pregnancy. A cup of skim milk contains two mini crackers and a tablespoon of peanut butter contains about 300 calories. The exact amount depends on your pre-pregnancy weight. If you were underweight before pregnancy, you may need more calories. If you were overweight before, you may need a smaller amount. Talk to your provider about what is right for you.

Foods to avoid when pregnant

1- Foods that contain chemicals

These chemicals found in foods and drinks should be avoided when pregnant

- alcohol.

There is no known safe amount of alcohol to take during pregnancy. This includes strong liquor, wine and beer. Alcohol consumption can cause a range of developmental problems and may lead to fetal alcohol syndrome.


 Caffeine isn't just found in coffee and tea — soda, chocolate, and some over-the-counter medications can also contain this chemical, so be sure to check labels. Up to 12 ounces of caffeine per day may be safe for coffee, but since there are few sources of caffeine in a typical diet, aim instead for less than 200 milligrams per day.

- Mercury.

 Sharks, mackerel, swordfish, tilefish, and some fish used in sushi are known to be high in mercury, which has been linked to developmental delays and brain damage when eaten during pregnancy.

2 - Foods with a risk of contamination

Foods that are most likely to contain bacteria are important foods to avoid during pregnancy, as they can cause foodborne illnesses. Foods that may contain bacteria that should be avoided during pregnancy include:

Raw eggs.

Avoid the craving for raw cookie dough - raw eggs carry the risk of salmonella exposure.

Raw fish, meat and poultry.

 These foods may be contaminated with coliform bacteria, toxoplasmosis and salmonella and should be avoided raw or undercooked.

Raw oysters. Oysters, clams, and mussels that are undercooked or raw can cause foodborne illnesses related to algae.

- Hot dogs, lunch meat, smoked seafood, paté and cold deli. These items can carry Listeria, which can cross the placenta and cause a miscarriage.

Unpasteurized fruit juice and apple juice. Skip the juice and opt for fruit instead, especially if the fruit juice was unpasteurized. Unpasteurized fruit juice is susceptible to bacterial contaminants.

Unpasteurized milk and dairy products. Dairy and unpasteurized cheese may carry Listeria.

Soft, unpasteurized cheeses such as feta, Brie and Roquefort. It can remain on the menu if the packaging clearly states that it is made with pasteurized milk.

Untreated drinking water. Your tap water is likely safe to drink if it has been treated, but untreated water can contain many dangerous contaminants.

Unwashed fruits and vegetables. Clean fruits and vegetables well to ensure you do not come into contact with toxoplasmosis, a rare and serious blood infection caused by a parasite found in cat feces.

Foods to add to your diet when pregnant

There are also plenty of beneficial foods to add to your diet during pregnancy. These foods are rich in important nutrients that you and your baby need during pregnancy and beyond:

pregnancy diet

Milk, hard cheese and yogurt

Vegetables, especially dark green or leafy green vegetables, and raw colored vegetables

- avocado

- the fruit

Potato, brown rice, pasta

- vegetables

- soybean

Whole grains and wheat germ

fortified cereals

- The meat is tender

Salmon with bones, sardines and herring

Foods to avoid while breastfeeding

If you choose to breastfeed your baby, you will have to keep thinking about his nutritional needs as well as your needs when you eat. Since there are so many foods that are off the menu during pregnancy, many people think the same is true while breastfeeding. However, there is no set list of foods to avoid when breastfeeding. Instead, continue with the healthy diet you maintained during pregnancy, and allow yourself to slowly start enjoying whatever you may have missed while avoiding certain foods during pregnancy.

Foods to eat when breastfeeding

Although there are no foods to avoid when breastfeeding, there are definitely foods worth adding to your diet to make sure your body has the calories and nutrients you need to produce breast milk. Nursing mothers need 330 to 400 extra calories per day - aim to get those extra calories in by choosing from these nutrient-dense foods that are rich in the extra protein needed; vitamins A, B12, C, D and E; selenium; and zinc:

Fish and seafood are low in mercury and other pollutants

Meat and poultry, including organ meats

Fruits and vegetables

Nuts, seeds and legumes

Healthy fats from foods and cooking oils

Carbohydrates are also full of fiber

Whole-grain products, such as bread, rice, and pasta

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