Urinary Retention Treatment in Children Infant

Turbo March 11, 2022 March 11, 2022
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Description: Treatment of urine restriction in infants Among the common and worrying problems for mothers due to the screaming that accompanies the infant at the t
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Urinary Retention Treatment in Children Infant

Treatment of urine restriction in infants Among the common and worrying problems for mothers due to the screaming that accompanies the infant at the time, and through our paragraphs, we will learn about the treatment of that and the best way by the mother that should deal with it to calm the child to solve the problem, even if it is temporarily until going to visit It is worth noting that the problem of urinary retention does not come suddenly to the child because it appears to him while he is still a fetus in the mother’s womb through ultrasound through the Since Few website.

Treatment of Urinary Retention in Infants

Urinary retention is the child’s inability to excrete urine, which leads to its accumulation in the urinary tract and enlargement of the ureters and kidneys, which results in severe pain that causes pain to the child and causes him to cry. The treatment is as follows:

  • Prescribing some antibiotics to treat urinary tract infections that result from urinary retention, and in some cases some antibiotics are given as a preventive measure in cases where it appears from a fetus still in the womb through ultrasound, and these antibiotics treat urinary obstruction without The need for surgery to open the blockage and it must be prescribed by the pediatrician.
  • Intermittent catheterization is performed by inserting a medical tube into the urethral opening, emptying the bladder and preventing complications that the child may suffer as a result of urinary retention.
  • Urinary diversion is a simple surgical procedure performed by the attending physician, in which he makes an opening in the abdominal wall and inserts a tube through it to empty the urine into an external bag.
  • In some cases, the doctor resorts to a surgical solution and treats urine obstruction in the child, and there are some cases that require a tube to be placed temporarily in the child’s ureter or urethra in order to keep it open.
  • Use of some medications prescribed by your doctor to treat bladder spasms and relax them to facilitate urine output.

Temporary Urinary Retention in Infants

  • Congenital defects cause urinary retention in infants, spinal cord diseases, and spina bifida are among the diseases that children develop when they are born.
  • The causes of urinary retention may not be congenital problems, as is common in most cases. Rather, there are some medications that are prescribed to infants, and among the side effects of urine restriction are antihistamines and congestion because infants are exposed to allergies and colds all the time when they are young due to the weakness of their system immune system;
  • Urinary retention in infants may occur due to obstruction of the urinary tract or an infection that causes infections in the bladder and weakness of the pelvic floor muscles, or because there are problems in the nerve messages between the bladder and the brain, which results in some symptoms that should be paid attention to, as they include the following:
  •  The child has a fever and a high temperature.
  • Anorexia.
  • vomiting;
  • Notice a change in the color and smell of urine.
  • Swollen ureters and kidneys.

The Amount of Urine in Infants

  • Newborns urinate 20 times a day, and doctors explain that this problem decreases as they get older and have a more complete urinary system.
  • When the child completes his third year, he urinates 12 times in the 24 hours, then it decreases and ranges between 4-6 times at puberty.
  • The infant's bladder can hold 15 ml of urine, and because of its small size, the need to urinate is very much, and the color of urine varies from clear to dark yellow.
  • The diaper must be changed every two hours after each feeding, so that the infant does not get infections or exfoliation.

What Are The Aisadvantages of Holding Urine in Children?

  • Urinary retention in children results in the bladder being larger than the normal size and their injury in what is known as the neurogenic bladder, which leads to them entering the bathroom multiple times. For this reason, children must be accustomed to going to pass urine every two or three hours, even if they do not have the desire to do so until the bladder returns to Their normal size, as they may forget to go to the bathroom because they are busy playing games or watching their favorite cartoon.
  • Another potential harm is the possibility that the infant will develop urinary incontinence in the future.
  • Kidney and bladder stones due to accumulation of urine in the bladder and obstruction of the ureter.
  • Among the complications is also kidney failure due to urine returning to the ureter and kidneys, which in turn leads to the destruction of kidney cells. For these reasons, the mother must pay close attention to the symptoms of urinary retention from the first day, it is normal for him to urinate for the first time after birth 12 or 24 hours after birth. In the event that the period of time is longer than that and the child does not urinate frequently, such as those of the same age, the doctor should be promptly consulted because of the possibility of urinary obstruction.

Herbal Treatment for Urinary Retention in Infants

There are some herbs that can be prepared at home to treat urinary retention in infants with herbs, including the following:

Fenugreek Seeds Boiled

  • The fenugreek can be given to the infant by placing it in a feeding bottle after it is boiled with water and filtered, and then given to the child a little warm to treat his urinary retention because it contains levels of hydrogen.
  • It can be added to milk to accept its taste, and the infant must drink it twice a day, in the morning and in the evening.
  • You can also add fenugreek drink to a cup of yogurt and give it to your baby.


  • Mint helps to get rid of trapped urine in the body and expels excess toxins from it.
  • Put a handful of mint leaves in a cup of water and leave it to boil, then filter the mixture and let it cool down a little, and give it to the baby warm and it will help him diuretic because it contains vitamins and minerals.


  • It is a natural diuretic and treatment of urinary retention problems.
  • As well as its usefulness in the treatment of pain and intestinal cramps that affect infants.

Important Tips for The Mother When The Infant Has Urinary Retention

The mother should pay close attention to the symptoms of urinary retention in the infant from the first day, and these tips include the following:

  • The mother should note how often the child urinates or wets his nappy.
  • If the infant loses his appetite and cannot breastfeed from his mother.
  • If the child's mouth is dry.
  • If he is constantly crying and screaming, this is due to his inability to urinate normally and urine retention, which causes him severe pain in the urinary tract.
  • If the urine smells bad and its color is dark yellow.
  • The mother should give him adequate fluids that we have mentioned earlier and breastfeed him intensively because breast milk helps to diuresis.

And here we have come to the end of our tour in which we have shed light on Treatment of urinary retention in infants We also learned about the harms of urinary retention in children and the resulting complications, and we invite you to view all that is new through the Since Few website.

Caution: Please note that information related to medicines, mixtures and prescriptions is not a substitute for visiting a specialist doctor. We never recommend taking any medication or prescription without consulting a doctor. The reader is responsible for taking it or using it for any prescription or treatment without consulting a doctor or specialist

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