When Does a Child Look at His Mother?

Turbo March 02, 2022 March 02, 2022
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Description: When a child looks at his mother, it is one of the important things for the mother, who rejoices for her a lot as soon as her child looks at her face
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When Does a Child Look at His Mother

When a child looks at his mother, it is one of the important things for the mother, who rejoices for her a lot as soon as her child looks at her face and smiles at her by getting to know her and distinguishing her from the rest of those around him, and interacting with her in an excessive way despite the establishment of the relationship between the mother and her child while he is still in her womb except And that the moment he looks at her face is one of the happiest moments for the mother after the stages she went through with him while he was still a fetus in her womb and the anxiety she had about him when he moved for the first time inside her womb. We will learn about one of the important stages of the child’s development through the article next one.

When Does a Child Look at His Mother?

  • At the age of three or four months, the child begins to look at his mother's face and distinguish her face from the rest of those around him, despite seeing the child from the first day, but with the passage of days his vision improves.
  • There are some scholars who have debated among themselves about distinguishing the face of a child from his mother and looking at her during this age, and they were divided into two groups:
  • The opinion of the scholars from the first group: They are the ones who admitted the difficulty of distinguishing the child from his mother’s face in the first weeks, and some of them went to the fact that the child looks at his mother’s face when he is two months old, and his vision has developed to be able to look in all corners of the room when he reaches the eighth month.
  • The opinion of the second party: They are the ones who have recognized the possibility of a child seeing his mother’s face in the first weeks of life, and he can also distinguish his mother’s face on the first day of his birth 12 hours after his birth due to the presence of a part of the brain responsible for distinguishing faces that activates starting from His birth.

How Does a Child Recognize His Mother?

A child can get to know his mother through some special things, which are:

  • Her voice: There are some studies that have revealed the child's discrimination of his mother's voice while he is still a fetus in the womb if she speaks starting from the 26th week of pregnancy, and he also hears her heartbeat and all the loud sounds around her.
  • Smell: which the child can distinguish from the first day of his birth, and the infant can recognize his mother through her smell and distinguish her from the smell of those around him. There is an experiment that was conducted for some infants who cry a lot, and when pieces of the child’s mother’s clothes are placed next to him, the child calms down and stops crying with
  • Tenderness: the child feels the warmth and tenderness of his mother, especially when she embraces him, and through this warmth he can get to know his mother because of the emotional bonds that strengthen between the child and his mother while he is still in the womb.
  • While the other child does not stop crying if you put a piece of another mother's clothes next to him.
  • Features: Starting from the sixth month, he can recognize the mother's features well after the development of his sense of sight, as the child cannot distinguish faces and shapes immediately after his birth or can see clearly like adults.

How Do I Know if My Child Sees

A child who has a good sense of vision and his eyes are healthy will not show the symptoms that we will mention later that indicate problems in his eyes, and among those symptoms that you should consult a doctor as soon as you see them on your child are the following:

  • His eyelids are red.
  • Accuracy tends to be white.
  • Excessive tears falling from the child's eyes.
  • Sensitivity to light.

How Do I Test a Newborn's Eyesight?

  • We have already mentioned that the child sees from the first day, but his vision is blurry and unclear, but with the passage of days and months, his vision begins to become clearer than before, for example, in the beginning, the child moves the eyes randomly in all directions and it is difficult for him to look To one thing and pay attention to it.
  • After one week of birth, he can see from a distance of 25 centimeters and look into his mother's eyes while feeding.
  • In the third month, the child develops eye contact, and you can follow him when he looks at things at length in order to recognize them and through them you will know if the child’s vision is healthy or not or if he suffers from vision problems and through the next lines we will learn about some ways that can During which the child's vision is tested:

  • You can know the strength of your child's sense of sight through eye contact with him while he is still in the third month when he moves his eyes with the things that you move in front of him and follow the sequence of his eyes at that moment and whether he will pay attention to that or not.
  • You can also do the one-eye test, in which you cover one of the eyes and move your finger in front of his other eye, and repeat this process with the other eye. If his eyes do not move correctly, you should consult a doctor immediately.
  • The child closes his eyes automatically as soon as the room light is turned on or one of the lamps is moved near him.
  • The widening of the pupils in simple lighting and narrowing with strong lighting is among the signs that tell you that your child's vision is fine.

Signs of Visual Impairment in Infants

  • There are some signs that tell you that your child's vision has some problems; That is why it is necessary to pay close attention to the movement of the eyes of the child from the first day, and to see the development of the child’s sense of sight in his first months. There are some children who are born with blockages in their tear ducts and cannot shed tears when they cry. Competent.
  • Among the signs that tell you that your child's eyesight is defective is that he does not follow objects when moving them in front of his eyes, especially after he reaches the third month.
  • Baby losing eye contact with his mother while feeding or playing.
  • The presence of spots in the pupil of the eye are white or gray.
  • Eye redness and drooping eyelids.
  • You can stimulate your child's sense of sight by making sure to decorate places with colors that may catch your child's attention, or sticking colored wallpaper in his room.
  • You can give him some nutritional supplements prescribed by the doctor, which will improve your child's sense of sight, as the child's lack of vitamin A makes him vulnerable to eye problems.

And here we have come to the end of our tour in which we shed light on when a child looks at his mother according to the opinions of some scholars that conflicted among themselves on this. We also learned about the ways in which a child recognizes his mother and how to test his eye safety

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